
Ensuring Physical Health and Safety

  • We endeavour to provide an environment for preschoolers (2-5 years) that is developmentally appropriate. Many hands-on activities will be offered. Children will be supervised at all times, within ratios set out in the Childcare Act 2015. Each day will  also include a Gross Motor activity, indoors or outdoors depending on the weather.
  • Toys and equipment will be chosen to enhance preschool play skills and to promote exploration and inquiry. Any broken or damaged toys or equipment will be removed, to be thrown out or repaired. 
  • Our snack menu is approved by the local Board of Health. We will serve snacks that promote health and good nutrition.  Students with dietary restrictions will be accommodated, possibly with alternative snacks coming from home.
  • Playground inspections will be done on a per-use basis as well as monthly and annually.
  • This preschool balances children’s health and safety needs with the need for indoor and outdoor play. Each day is scheduled similarly for consistency and stability.
  • Each day our class will use the playground outside. We have the option to use the gymnasium when the weather is not favourable outside.  In the event that neither option is available, we will execute a gross motor activity inside the classroom.
  • Our preschool will be open to feedback from parents, co-op students, and resource staff in order to meet the needs of our students and families.
  • An annual general meeting will be put out by the Board of Directors to come together as a community and discuss any concerns or encouragements with the preschool program facilities, staff and times.