Wee Creations Christian Preschool
September 2021 Newsletter
We are so excited to welcome 46 families to preschool this year! Don’t worry – we won’t have more than 16 children on any given morning or afternoon!
Our morning classes are full and we will open the afternoon class (Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-3:00) once we have 5 students making the commitment. It will be capped at 8 students due to staffing requirements. Let Mrs. Scheele know if you want a spot.
Our teaching staff this year will consist of Mrs. Scheele, Mrs. Kuipers, and Mrs. Dreise (who would like to be known as “Mrs. JoJo”). Miss Pannekoek will be our support staff and Mrs. DeBoer will be one of our supply staff. Brittany MacMillan will be our Resource Consultant from CHILDINU OXFORD.
Due to the uncertainty of where things are going with COVID-19, we have decided not to have any field trips this fall. I feel like if we can have a “normal“ fall, that is enough.
Reflecting on the chaos around us, and the divisions in so many families, churches and businesses, I am reminded that God only asks us to follow Him one day at a time. He does not want us to live in fear of what is coming next – He already knows! And it’s better that we don’t.
We are in need of a new board of directors. These parents will be voted in at our AGM on Thursday, September 16 at 7 p.m. We are hoping to have the meeting outside at the school, so bring your lawn chair! If the weather is not suitable, we can take our chairs inside. No children at this meeting, please. The meeting usually takes about 30 – 40 minutes. The staff will be making a presentation about their plans for the year.
Happy birthday to Lydia who turns two on September 29! She will start class in October.
SEESAW will be our main form of communication so please make sure you are connected!
PICKUP – if someone other than the person dropping off your child will be picking them up, please be prepared to have ID ready to show the staff, until we get to know everyone. That person must also be on your list of “persons authorized to pick up”. If it is someone not on your list, please send a note authorizing that.
SUNSCREEN – parents who want their child to wear sunscreen are encouraged to apply this before dropping your child off.
Here is a prayer by Dr. Benjamin Shaw that I find very helpful during this turbulent time.
“A prayer for today: O Lord, deliver us from grumbling and complaining. Deliver us from self-seeking and arrogance. Deliver us from envy and boasting. Deliver us from being irritable and resentful, and always having to have our own way. We are prone to these things. We excuse them as, “that’s just me.” We excuse others as “You do you.” Remind us that such is not the way of Christ. Instead, the way of Christ is patient and kind. The way of Christ rejoices with the truth, not just with who wins the argument. The one who walks in the way of Christ is full of hope and endurance. Those who walk in the way of Christ are sustained by him in all difficulties and trust all his promises. Cause us to walk in Christ’s way today. We pray in his name. Amen” (Exodus 16-18, 1 Corinthians 13-14)