Wee Creations Christian Preschool

May 2019 Newsletter

                This week we move into the month of May!  It seems like April went by very quickly!

Enrollments for the fall are coming in and we are more than 75% full already!   At this point, we are full on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Photo orders have been submitted and we hope to have them back before Mother’s Day.

REMINDER:   Parents are responsible for applying sunscreen to their children.  Sun hats are always a good idea too.  We are having a shade sail installed the end of May that will shelter most of our playground.

TOUCH A TRUCK is coming at the end of this month!  On  June 1, our school playground will be filled with vehicles of all kinds – fire truck, snow plow, school bus, city bus, tractor, harvester etc.    We have booked face painters, superheroes and food trucks to make this a great family friendly event.  EACH OF THE PAST TWO YEARS WE HAVE HAD OVER 1500 PEOPLE ATTEND THIS EVENT.  We need many volunteers to make this day a success!  Parent volunteers and high school students looking for community hours are welcome to sign up.  Sheets will be posted soon on the bulletin board outside our classroom.  Sign up early to get the job you want!

Advertising posters for Touch a Truck are available at the preschool.  If you are able to post one in the community, we would appreciate it.

TRIP TO THE FIRE STATION   On Monday, May 27 and Tuesday, May 28 we are planning to travel by bus to Ingersoll to tour their fire station.   We are going there with two groups as 50 students is more than they can accommodate at one time.   We are asking families to choose which day works best for them, unless your child attends both Monday and Tuesday classes, then they can join us both days.  The tour will begin at 9:30 and end about 40 minutes later.   If the weather is nice, we will go the Victoria Park in Ingersoll to play for a while.  If it is raining, we will return to the school.  PLEASE complete the permission form and return it soon so that we can have an accurate count.


                                Elliott turns 3 on May 12!                            Carter turns 3 on May 14!

                                Jessica turns 3 on May 24!                            Max turns 3 on May 25!                               

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of our preschool moms!   Motherhood is a special responsibility and we appreciate you!

VICTORIA DAY   Preschool will be closed on Monday, May 20 for Victoria Day.

Our June trip is booked for Monday, June 10 to Clovermead Adventure Farm near Aylmer.  More details will be coming on a separate paper.