Wee Creations Christian Preschool

January 2021 Newsletter

We trust everyone had a good break, celebrating Christ’s birth, spending time with family, and doing your best to stay healthy.

We welcome 5 new students this month:  Isla, Lauren and Mark join the Monday class, Ava and Jaxon join the Wednesday/Friday class.


Camilla turned 4 on January 2!          Tom will turn 4 on January 9!
Norah turns 4 on January 19!             Samar turns 4 on January 28!  

Mrs. DeBoer and Mrs. Westerhof will be doing supply work from Jan. 11 – 15, so that Mrs. Scheele can spend time with her family (her mother is dying).

Please remember that no payments will be taken for January but whatever weeks we are open this month will be charged in addition to your February fees on February 5.  Please make sure sufficient funds are available to avoid a surcharge of $20.