January 2019 Newsletter

The sun is shining as I write this first newsletter of 2019.  I am excited about the months ahead as we continue our learning together!   I am reminded of the Bible verses in Matthew 5: 14-16 “You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” ESV

The staff have asked me to express their thanks to all who blessed them with gifts at Christmas time. We hope you enjoyed celebrating with family and friends over the holidays.

Now it is time to get back in routine. We will be learning about shapes, winter and a letter of the alphabet each week.

Show and tell time continues.  The students are grouped into three groups by the first letter of their name.  Group 1 is for students starting with A – I, Group 2 is J – M, Group 3 is N – Z.  More information is available on our bulletin board.

When winter storms are raging, Woodstock Christian School may be closed for the day.   If that happens, our preschool will be closed as well.  The primary ways to communicate this are:  SEESAW and FACEBOOK. An announcement will be posted on the Seesaw app and on our facebook page.

We are offering questionnaires to any of our families who are interested in finding out if their child is meeting age appropriate goals.  We have one for physical and intellectual skills and another for social emotional behaviours.  If there are any deficits or delays identified, early intervention is recommended to help your child catch up.   All results will be strictly confidential.  The questionnaires will be geared to your child’s age.  Please let Mrs. Scheele know if you would like to take part in one or both.  No cost.


Camilla turns 2 on Jan. 2!                             Isabel turns 4 on Jan. 4!

Jayce turns 3 on Jan. 5!                                 Madelyn turns 3 on Jan. 17!

Dominic turns 4 on Jan. 25!

We have been able to improve our toys and furnishings thanks to a government grant.

All families should have received their 2018 tax receipt.  Please check it over to make sure it is accurate.

The amount of the fall rebate has been taken off the total amount paid.

We want to make the most of our wonderful playground, so please bring along outdoor clothing for your child.  WE WONT go outside when it is icy or there is a severe wind chill.