Wee Creations Christian Preschool

February 2019 Newsletter

As the cold winds of winter blow, I amazed at how quickly this school year is going by.  We are at the half way point!   I am getting frequent calls from parents looking for openings.  We are totally full with a wait list!

We are in need of someone to complete a term on the Board of Directors until Sept. 2019, as one of our members has to step down due to other duties.  Could you do it?  Talk to Mrs. Scheele.

Some of our students will be signing up for September kindergarten this month and others can sign up for another year with us, once the forms are ready.  I am just putting the finishing touches on that.  I hope to have them ready by the end of this month.   Families currently registered with our preschool will get first priority for the fall.

We will be celebrating our friends the week of Feb. 11 – 15.  If you wish to bring in cards or other non-edible items to share with classmates, that is fine.

On Thursday, Feb. 20, Woodstock Christian School is having their pancake and pyjama day.  We will have a pyjama day on that day as well.   No promises on pancakes due to dairy and egg allergies.  We will look for an alternative.


Kolton turns 3 on Feb. 3!                                               Tobin also turns 3 on Feb. 3!

Naomi turns 4 on Feb. 11!                                            Tyler turns 3 on Feb. 13!

                                                Lucy turns 3 on Feb. 17!

In January, we learned about the letters A, B, C, D.  The children and teachers have been enjoying this very much.  We also learned about shapes – squares, triangles, circles and rectangles.  This month, we hope to learn about E, G, H and I.  (we are skipping F because no one in our class starts with that)   We are also learning how to communicate in sign language and have learned the signs for A, B, C, D and square, triangle, circle and rectangle.   It is quite fun and a good way to communicate with everyone in our classroom!

In January, we had several snow days.  Remember to check your Seesaw app or our Wee Creations Christian Preschool Facebook page to find out if preschool is closed.   We follow the lead of Woodstock Christian School.   Because they are a private school, they make their own decision about school closures and bus cancellations.  They do not always follow      what the public board decides. If they are open, we are too. 

Please bring snow gear on days that are suitable for outside time.  The more stuff you can label, the better!   Of course on very cold or icy days, we will NOT be going outside.   We generally stay inside if it is less than 10 degrees below zero.  (looking forward to spring)

Several families have participated in the Ages and Stages questionnaire and were able to get some valuable feedback on goals to work on with their children.   You can ask for one for your child at any time.