Wee Creations Christian PreschoolOctober 2020 Newsletter
What a week it has been! What a month it has been! Let’s even say, What a half year it has been!
By God’s grace here we are, ready to open our doors for another year (hopefully) of preschool.
My colleagues in childcare say it takes about a month, before it feels like a new normal, and staff and students feel confident with the new way of functioning.
It was great to meet with our students and parents on an individual basis. I hope it will help them feel confident coming through our doors again.
BIRTHDAYSMrs. Kuipers has a birthday on October 5!Mrs. Westerhof (supply staff) also has a birthday on October 5!Ibaadat has a birthday on October 6 and turns 3 years old!
Wee Creations also has a birthday in October! We opened on October 9, 1990. So this Friday, the preschool will be 30 years old. That makes me feel old but thankful that I can still enjoy this work with young children. I’m also thankful for Mrs. Kuipers’ encouragement along the way. I needed several pep talks from her this summer, as we considered what preschool would look like in this new reality.
Our Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 26 at 8:00 p.m. and will be a virtual meeting over ZOOM. The link will be sent out to all preschool parents prior to the meeting.
We will be going outside every day if possible, so please bring appropriate clothing for your child to wear outside. Splash pants, rubber boots, jackets etc. Please label as many things as possible, even if it is just your child’s initials.
Each day, bring your child with a backpack containing a change of clothes, indoor shoes, a water bottle clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please avoid sending food in their backpacks. We will provide a snack each day.
Please be patient with us as we navigate these new routines.
We will be closed on Monday, October 12 for Thanksgiving. The Monday class will meet on Tuesday, October 13 instead.