Wee Creations Christian Preschool

February 2020 Newsletter

Classes are going well.  We are enjoying the winter enrichment program!   The February activity calendar will be posted on our bulletin board in the hallway.  The program has been extended into March as Dance in Style is planning to come every morning the first week of March.  Our final Sportball experience will be on March 10 (rescheduled from Jan. 28.)


Kolton turns 4 on Feb. 3! Tobin turns 4 on Feb. 3!
Natalia turns 4 on Feb. 7!                           Tyler turns 4 on Feb. 13!
Lucy turns 4 on Feb. 17!                               Alaina turns 4 on Feb. 18!
Maverick turns 4 on Feb. 20!      Mrs. Armstrong’s birthday is Feb. 26!              

We will be closed on Feb. 17 for Family Day!

Parents are already inquiring for preschool space in September.   We plan to have registration forms for the fall, ready by March 1.

Individual and class photography is scheduled for March 11 & 12.   More information to come.

We will be closed March 16 – 20 for the March break.

We are planning a Pyjama week for the last week of March.   We will be making pancakes or muffins each day!  

Ages and Stages Questionnaires are still available – just ask Mrs. Scheele for a package.  When completed, please return to Mrs. Scheele for scoring and a summary report.

We are loving the snow!  We play with shovels, sleds and buckets.   Thanks for bringing in your snow gear.  Labelling helps reduce confusion and lost items.

The Preschool Board has started preparations for our annual Touch a Truck event planned for Saturday, June 6.   If you know of anyone with a truck or large vehicle to bring in for the day, we would like to hear from you.    The event runs from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  (vehicles would have to be on site by 8:00 a.m.)    This year we are partnering with Woodstock Christian School to make the event better than ever!