January 2020 Newsletter
The sun is shining as I write this first newsletter of 2020. I am excited about the months ahead as we continue our learning together! We are organizing some special guests to come in and offer some enrichment activities for the children. We have a coach from SPORTBALL coming to do physical activities with us in the gym, a dance instructor from DANCE IN STYLE, Gillian from the WOODSTOCK PUBLIC LIBRARY and Pastor L. PereaMelendez coming to draw and tell us Bible stories. All of these guests are being scheduled so that each group of students has the opportunity to experience each activity.
The staff have asked me to express their thanks to all who blessed them with gifts at Christmas time. We hope you enjoyed celebrating with family and friends over the holidays.
Now it is time to get back in routine. We will be learning about winter and a letter of the alphabet each week. We will also be making use of the Second Step program to teach the children more about managing their emotion in various situations.
Show and tell time continues. The students are grouped into three groups by the first letter of their name. Group 1 is for students starting with A – I, Group 2 is J – M, Group 3 is N – Z. More information is available on our bulletin board.
When winter storms are raging, Woodstock Christian School may be closed for the day. If that happens, our preschool will be closed as well. The primary ways to communicate this are: SEESAW and FACEBOOK. An announcement will be posted on the Seesaw app and on our facebook page.
We are offering questionnaires to any of our families who are interested in finding out if their child is meeting age appropriate goals. We have one for physical and intellectual skills and another for social emotional behaviours. If there are any deficits or delays identified, early intervention is recommended to help your child catch up. All results will be strictly confidential. The questionnaires will be geared to your child’s age. Please let Mrs. Scheele know if you would like to take part in one or both. No cost.
Camilla turns 3 on Jan. 2! Madelyn turns 4 on Jan. 17
Norah turns 3 on Jan. 19! Xander turns 4 on Jan. 27!
Samar turns 3 on Jan. 28!
My apologies to Mrs. DeBoer for not including her birthday (Dec. 27) in the December calendar.
We want to make the most of our wonderful playground, so please bring along outdoor clothing for your child. Remember to label as many items as possible, even if it is only your child’s initials. WE WON’T go outside when it is icy or there is a severe wind chill.