Wee Creations Christian Preschool

November 2019 Newsletter

The fall seems to be going by quickly and we are already making plans for Christmas! OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SOCIAL WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE SCHOOL GYM ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 IN THE MORNING.  9:30 – 11:00 A.M.  Separate invitations will be coming soon.

Thanks to funding from the County of Oxford, we were able to have an additional shed installed on our playground. This will help with our storage needs, especially our shade sail which needs to come down for the winter.

BIRTHDAYS Riley turns 3 on Nov. 8!                Evan turns 3 on Nov. 19

As winter approaches, a reminder that if Woodstock Christian School is closed because of bad travel conditions, then we are closed as well.   This will be communicated via our SEESAW app.   If you have  not signed up yet, please do so!   If you need a new invitation, please talk to Mrs. Scheele.

If busses are cancelled due to fog, we will have preschool as usual; travel at your own risk.

As mitten weather comes, we recommend putting your child’s initials or name inside.  Hats and boots and snow pants too!  Even coats – often when a child gets a new coat, they may not recognize it and might refuse to put it on.

Gillian from the Woodstock Public Library is scheduled to come for a visit on Friday, Nov. 8.

We are pleased to announce an addition to our staff:  Jennifer Uchacz is our new administrative assistant, helping Mrs. Scheele with paperwork on the business side of things.

We also welcome Miss Deanna Pannekoek as one of our supply staff members.

Please let us know if your child will be absent from preschool, by phone 519-421-9755, by email  janet@weecreations.ca  or on our SEESAW app.

Each family who is paying preschool fees will be getting a rebate for September – December.  This will be applied to your January/February 2020 fees. 

Please continue having your child bring something for Show and Tell time when it is their turn.  Even if they don’t have strong verbal skills, it makes them feel special to show the class something from home.  Make sure it goes into our Show and Tell basket, where it will stay until your child shows it to the class.

If you can’t remember which group your child is in, check the bulletin board at school.