October 2019 Newsletter
September was a month of transitions as students and staff got to know each other and the routines of preschool. We are off to a great start! Thank you to all the parents who took time to attend our Annual General Meeting. We were able to vote in some new members to the Board of Directors.
Mrs. Kuipers has a birthday on Oct. 5!
Juniper turns 3 on Oct. 27! Leda turns 3 on Oct. 29!
October 9 is the 29th anniversary of Wee Creations’ opening day!
We will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Thanksgiving celebrations.
Gillian Green from the Woodstock Library, will visit the class on Oct. 17 to present some stories and songs to the children.
We do not celebrate Halloween at our preschool.
If your child wants to bring their own water bottle to use at preschool, it must have their name clearly marked on it.
If you are able to save the blank newsprint that comes with the Oxford Review, we would appreciate having that for the children to paint on.
We plan to have a new storage shed installed in our playground on Oct. 24.
This will be used to store our shade sail and totes of other preschool items as storage is always an issue in our classroom. The County of Oxford has provided full funding for this.
Show and Tell starts this month. Please refer to a separate letter about this. There is one on the Parent Information board for you to check, if necessary.
Please put your child’s initials in as many items as possible – shoes, boots, jackets, hats etc.