Wee Creations Christian Preschool

April 2019 Newsletter

It looks like spring is finally on its way and we anticipate that there will be no more “snow days”.

We are trying to get out to our playground as often as possible, so please send clothing and footwear suitable for being outside.

It is so wonderful to see the way our students are playing together.   This will be a huge advantage for those who are entering kindergarten in the fall.

For those who are registering for a second year of preschool, please bring in your registration forms soon so that you won’t be disappointed.  I will be opening up registrations to the public in April.  If there is no change in your child’s immunization, you can simply indicate that on your medical form.  If your banking information is the same, just fill in the upper part of your Pre-authorized Debit form, and be sure to sign it.

On Tuesday, April 30, Mrs. Scheele will be giving a presentation to any interested parents about what she learned at a workshop on “worry and anxiety in children.”  7:45 p.m. in the preschool room.  We will bring in adult chairs.  Please let us know if you plan to come.

Everyone is invited to Springfest, a fundraiser for Woodstock Christian School.   It will take place at the Oxford Auditorium on Saturday, April 6, from 8:00 – 2:00.   Breakfast and lunch will be available as well as lots of fun activities for the children.   Our preschool is sponsoring some super heroes to be there.

Our preschool board is hard at work organizing our fifth annual Touch a Truck event.   A sign up sheet for volunteers will be posted by the end of April.  Every family is required to spend one hour of volunteer time OR donating a $25 gift card from Presidents Choice or Walmart to be used for supplies.             (unless you are exempt from fundraising)  We would prefer you to volunteer but if you cannot, then bring in a gift card.


                                Mrs. Scheele has a birthday on April 7!                   Theo turns 4 on April 18!

                                Callia turns 3 on April 19!                                              Mia turns 4 on April 22!

                                Nathan turns 4 on April 22 also!                                 Nova turns 3 on April 23!

                                                                                Hannah turns 4 on April 27!

Woodstock Christian School has their Grandparents day on April 25, so we invite any interested grandparents to join our class from 11:00 – 11:30 on April 23 – 26.   If there are any grandparents from the Monday class, who did not get to come earlier, they are welcome on April 29, as April 22 is Easter Monday, so we will not have class that day.   Keep in mind that parking will be at a premium on April 25!

FYI Our spring trip to Clovermead has been booked for Monday, June 10, 2019.   More details to come.

I am still working on a May trip to the fire station.