December 2021

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

December 2021 Newsletter

Looking out my window, it sure looks like winter has arrived!   This means opportunity for our preschoolers to play in the snow!  We have snow shovels, snow ball makers and sleds ready for fun times!   Your job is to make sure that your child has all their snow gear with them, unless it is a rainy or icy day.  We do have a few extra items that can be borrowed if necessary – snow pants, mittens, hats.

We will be spending the month of December focusing on Christmas – playing Christmas music, making Christmas crafts and talking about the greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ!

Mrs. JoJo is putting the finishing touches on the Christmas video and we are hoping you will enjoy watching it as much as we do!   

Reminder – our last preschool day for 2021 will be Dec. 17.  We plan to return on Jan. 3, 2022! At that time, Mrs. JoJo will take over as Preschool Supervisor and Mrs. Scheele will finish the year as teacher.

We are conducting interviews for supply staff and anticipate that new staff will be joining our team soon!

We thank everyone who is keeping their children home when they have coughs and colds etc. Unfortunately, COVID has not disappeared yet! 


Allison turns 3 on Dec. 10!                Yusha turns 3 on Dec. 11!

Also remember to check your Seesaw account on days when the weather is stormy.   When Woodstock Christian School is closed, we are also closed.  Because they are a private school, they do not always follow what other schools are doing.

As Board and Staff, we want to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year!

November 2021

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

November 2021 Newsletter

As we have the first two months of the preschool year complete, we are happy with the progress that our students have made.  Even if there is a bit of hesitation at drop off time, they are soon content and busy playing in the classroom.   We have been learning about apples and pumpkins and falling leaves!

In consultation with the preschool board, it has been decided that we won’t have an in person gathering to celebrate Christmas this year.  Instead, we plan to record the students singing some favourite songs or sharing some of their other skills on a video that will be shared on a USB with every family.


Along with the USB, your family will also receive some other treats to celebrate this special season!

As noted on the Seesaw announcement, refunds for cancelled classes will be reflected on your December payment.

Thank you to those who have submitted a family photo to the preschool – please keep them coming!  Mrs. JoJo is planning to create a family photo album so you won’t be getting them back. You may email them to    If you want your back, we can make a copy.

We try to get outside whenever the weather is suitable – please bring clothing that will keep your child warm and dry AND remember to label as many items as possible!


Brynlee turns 4 on November 5!            Sylvia turns 3 on November 6!

Gideon turns 4 on November 14!            Liam turns 3 on November 14!

Our Christmas break will follow the TVDSB schedule.  Our last preschool day for 2021 will be December 17.   We plan to be back at preschool on January 3, 2022!

As winter is on its way, we remind everyone that in case of a snow storm or ice storm that causes the Woodstock Christian School to close, the preschool will also be closed for the day.  Watch for a notification on the SEESAW app.  FYI Woodstock Christian School is a private school and does not always make the same decision as the public or Catholic school transportation on bus cancellation/school closure.  We follow the decision of Woodstock Christian School.