Wee Creations Christian PreschoolOctober 2021 Newsletter
The children have been making the adjustment to preschool in the pastweeks. Unfortunately with the change in weather, colds are going around.We are thankful for the opportunity to use the school gymnasium on morningswhen the weather is not great for being outside.
Thank you to the parents who came out to the AGM on Sept. 16! At that meeting5 members were elected to the Board of Directors. We appreciate Meghan Kools,Sarah Simut, Alicia Boccabella, Andrea Imhof and Abby Hiemstra for serving in thisway.
Please take note! We do not have many supply staff that we can call on whenone of our teachers is sick, so please check your Seesaw app before coming topreschool – it may be that we have to cancel class if we don’t have enoughteachers. If that happens, you will receive a discount on your next month’s fees.If you know of anyone who would be available and interested in doing supplywork for us, please have them contact us!
October marks the opening of our afternoon class on Tuesday and Thursday!This class has a combination of new students and students who are also in someof our morning classes. Mrs. JoJo will be the lead teacher for this class of 8 withone support staff to help with arrivals and departures and cleaning.
Mrs. Kuipers has a special birthday on October 5!Aiden turns 3 on October 6! Vivian turns 3 on October 28!
The preschool marks 31 years on October 9! God is good! We thank Him for Hismany blessings through the years!
ALL classes are full with wait lists. There has been some movement so don’t giveup hope!
Preschool will be closed on Monday, October 11 as we celebrate Thanksgiving!