June 2021

Hooray, we made it through a very challenging school year!  Many extra requirements for cleaning, protecting and supporting plus some shutdowns thrown in.  And now a large road construction project!

 Thanks for your patience throughout this year.

We are thankful for extra staff to help meet the new standard.  Miss Pannekoek and Mrs. Westerhof have been so helpful to Mrs. Scheele and Mrs. Kuipers!  We are also thankful for government funding to help cover these costs.

Our last day of preschool will be Friday, June 18.

If you have a registration form at home for your child to come back next fall, please return it soon!

Also, if you know of any young families looking for preschool for September, please send them to us!  We have room in every class.

BIRTHDAYSKaramjot turns 4 on June 24!                                    Ethan turns 4 on June 30!

SUMMER BIRTHDAYSAbigail turns 5 on July 14!                                          Lauren turns 4 on July 31!Ruby turns 4 on August 22!                                        Isla turns 4 on August 31!

Tax receipts for fees paid between January and June 2021 will be mailed to you once they are ready.

Please put it in a safe place for next tax season!

It looks like we won’t be able to have professional photos done this year because of the lockdown restrictions affecting photographers.

We plan to do a study of road construction equipment this month – since it is happening right outside our door!  And of course, we don’t want to forget to honour our dads for Father’s Day!

A big thank you to our board of directors who are always running things behind the scenes – we couldn’t operate without you!   Rachel Vandenheuvel (Pres.) Suzie Steen (VP)  Jackie Kotzeff (General member) Joanne Dreise (General member) and Janelle Markvoort (General member) as well as our Administrative Assistant Jen Uchacz.

Our shade sail is up and gives some shade to the children and staff during our time in the playground.

Sunscreen and sunhats are still a good idea.  It is preferred that parents apply sunscreen to their child before drop off.  Please let us know if you are needing us to apply it.

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL THE DADS IN OUR FAMILIES!              You are a very important part of our lives!

May 2021

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

May 2021 NewsletterWe are so excited to be back at preschool!    We are looking forward to spending more time outside as the weather improves.Following our annual inspection on March 31, we are required to have parents sign a form for the “Authorization to Administer Non-Prescription Skin Products”.  These will be given out at the school door at drop off time.   Please sign and return promptly – thank you!

BIRTHDAYSJaxon turns 3 on May 3!               Miller turns 3 on May 30!HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO OUR PRESCHOOL MOMS!  We know that you are all working hard to navigate these trying times and we are here to support you!

The preschool will be closed on Monday, May 24 for Victoria Day but will offer class on May 25 for the Monday group.

We are hoping to get our shade sail installed soon – that will give us some protection from the sun when we are in the playground.  Until then, please apply sunscreen to your child before arrival time.  Also remember to send your child with a water bottle, clearly labeled with their name.  That way if they get thirsty outside, they can grab their water bottle from their backpack for a quick drink.

Please remember to label your child’s belongings, even if it’s just their initials.

Registration for September 2021 is ongoing so if you know of someone looking for a childcare spot in the fall, we have room!