Wee Creations Christian PreschoolApril 2021 NewsletterThis is my favourite time of year, for several reasons.
Spring is a season of renewal, when the plants come back to life. We have planted spinach seeds in a tray in our classroom and will be checking each week to see if there is something growing. We can usually spend more of our preschool morning outside in our wonderful playground as the weather improves. The children have adjusted to the routine of preschool and are familiar with the teachers and other children, so there is more elaborate play happening. We are in the final lap of the school year and hope that we can finish the school year in person! It was terribly disappointing to miss this part of the school year last spring due to the lockdown.Easter time is here! It is wonderful that God sent his son, Jesus to earth as a baby to live as a human being – the fact that he could do so without sin and therefore die and come back to life again to pay for our sins, is even more wonderful! Praying that you all have a Blessed Easter!
We are still looking into options for school photography and will let you know as soon as that plan is finalized – of course, it will depend on being able to be physically at school! It has been a big help to have Miss Pannekoek back in the classroom. We are still waiting for our annual inspection to happen.
BIRTHDAYSMrs. Scheele has a birthday on April 7!Elsie turns 3 on April 8! Mark turns 4 on April 9!The preschool will be closed for Good Friday and Easter Monday. April 2 and 5.
We will be also be taking our spring break from April 12 – 16.
We will be saying Good Bye to Liam and Ibaadat in our Wednesday and Friday class. We welcome Odin.
There are no spring field trips being planned. We will work on making our outdoor experience even more fun (but within the COVID-19 restrictions).
A REMINDER to label your child’s spring jacket, and rubber boots. It often happens that parents buy new clothes for a child and they don’t recognize it and will sometimes refuse to put it on!