December 2020

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

December 2020 Newsletter

               I’m happy to report that we have all settled into a nice routine together.   Staff and students are enjoying their classes.    It has been decided in consultation with the preschool board and staff that we will continue with our current model of running class three mornings per week for the rest of the school year (as long as there isn’t another shutdown).    A few new students will be joining us in January.


Micah turns 3 on Dec. 7!              Juliette turns 3 on Dec. 8!Sam turns 3 on Dec. 26!                Liam turns 3 on Dec. 28!

               Our Christmas break will follow the school schedule – we will be closed Dec. 19 – Jan. 3, reopening January 4, 2021, if all is well. 

               At registration time, every family received a set of ASQ surveys to complete about their preschooler(s).   If you have not returned yours yet, please do so as soon as possible.   The more info we have about your child, the more we can tailor our program to help each one succeed.

               Please be sure to bring appropriate clothing for outside play.   Unless it is raining or icy, we hope to be out there.  It is so good for the children and staff.

               Normally we would be busy practicing for our annual Christmas social at this time.   Sadly that is not the case this year.  We wondered about putting together a video of the kids singing but then we remembered that we are not even allowed to sing indoors.  So sad!  So we will do Christmas crafts with the students and send home lots of photos of the children at preschool.

               Our resource consultant, Mrs. Barb Emms from CHILDINU OXFORD has begun visits to the classroom to help us with strategies for some of our students.  We are thankful for her!

               Thank you to everyone who is keeping their child home when symptoms like a cough, runny nose etc. are present.   We have to be so careful especially now that cases are increasing in our region.

From the Board and Staff of Wee Creations; we pray for a blessed Christmas for each of our preschool families.  Stay safe and stay well!