Wee Creations Christian Preschool
November 2020 Newsletter
Our first month of preschool has gone quite well with some adjustments along the way. This month we welcome Dallas to our Monday class and Liam to our Wednesday and Friday class.
It has been good to get outside every day except one in October. Please be sure to send along suitable clothes for your child to wear outdoors and label everything even if it is just your child’s initials.
We had our annual playground inspection done recently and some work is required – we are not sure if that will happen this fall or in the spring. The playground might be unavailable for a day or two during that time.
You may have heard in the news recently that there was an outbreak of Covid-19 in a licensed home child care in Oxford County. That is why it is very important to follow the Board of Health recommendation that children DO NOT participate in more than one group for child care. Children who are being cared for in a home child care or other daycare are not allowed to attend preschool.
BIRTHDAYSDallas turns 3 on Nov. 16! Emily turns 3 on Nov. 25!
Remember to check your child’s backpack when they get home from preschool. That is where you will find newsletters, and crafts that your child created at preschool.
Also remember to send a water bottle/cup with your child’s name on it.
Thank you to everyone who logged on to our Annual General Meeting. We are thankful to Jennifer Baan for her years of service to the board. We also say good bye and thank you to former members Ashlea Strickler and Wilma Molinaro. We welcome Joanne Dreise, Jenna Smith and Suzie Steen as new Board members.
Lastly, I want to thank parents for being diligent in keeping their children home when they have symptoms of any kind. I know it is disappointing for the children and the parents when they have to miss preschool but we want to do our best to keep our families, students and staff as healthy as possible.