December 2020

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

December 2020 Newsletter

               I’m happy to report that we have all settled into a nice routine together.   Staff and students are enjoying their classes.    It has been decided in consultation with the preschool board and staff that we will continue with our current model of running class three mornings per week for the rest of the school year (as long as there isn’t another shutdown).    A few new students will be joining us in January.


Micah turns 3 on Dec. 7!              Juliette turns 3 on Dec. 8!Sam turns 3 on Dec. 26!                Liam turns 3 on Dec. 28!

               Our Christmas break will follow the school schedule – we will be closed Dec. 19 – Jan. 3, reopening January 4, 2021, if all is well. 

               At registration time, every family received a set of ASQ surveys to complete about their preschooler(s).   If you have not returned yours yet, please do so as soon as possible.   The more info we have about your child, the more we can tailor our program to help each one succeed.

               Please be sure to bring appropriate clothing for outside play.   Unless it is raining or icy, we hope to be out there.  It is so good for the children and staff.

               Normally we would be busy practicing for our annual Christmas social at this time.   Sadly that is not the case this year.  We wondered about putting together a video of the kids singing but then we remembered that we are not even allowed to sing indoors.  So sad!  So we will do Christmas crafts with the students and send home lots of photos of the children at preschool.

               Our resource consultant, Mrs. Barb Emms from CHILDINU OXFORD has begun visits to the classroom to help us with strategies for some of our students.  We are thankful for her!

               Thank you to everyone who is keeping their child home when symptoms like a cough, runny nose etc. are present.   We have to be so careful especially now that cases are increasing in our region.

From the Board and Staff of Wee Creations; we pray for a blessed Christmas for each of our preschool families.  Stay safe and stay well!

November 2020

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

November 2020 Newsletter

Our first month of preschool has gone quite well with some adjustments along the way. This month we welcome Dallas to our Monday class and Liam to our Wednesday and Friday class.

It has been good to get outside every day except one in October.  Please be sure to send along suitable clothes for your child to wear outdoors and label everything even if it is just your child’s initials.

We had our annual playground inspection done recently and some work is required – we are not sure if that will happen this fall or in the spring.  The playground might be unavailable for a day or two during that time.

You may have heard in the news recently that there was an outbreak of Covid-19 in a licensed home child care in Oxford County.   That is why it is very important to follow the Board of Health recommendation that children DO NOT participate in more than one group for child care.  Children who are being cared for in a home child care or other daycare are not allowed to attend preschool.

BIRTHDAYSDallas turns 3 on Nov. 16!            Emily turns 3 on Nov. 25!

Remember to check your child’s backpack when they get home from preschool.  That is where you will find newsletters, and crafts that your child created at preschool.

Also remember to send a water bottle/cup with your child’s name on it.

Thank you to everyone who logged on to our Annual General Meeting.  We are thankful to Jennifer Baan for her years of service to the board.   We also say good bye and thank you to former members Ashlea Strickler and Wilma Molinaro.   We welcome Joanne Dreise, Jenna Smith and Suzie Steen as new Board members.

Lastly, I want to thank parents for being diligent in keeping their children home when they have symptoms of any kind.   I know it is disappointing for the children and the parents when they have to miss preschool but we want to do our best to keep our families, students and staff as healthy as possible.

October 2020

Wee Creations Christian PreschoolOctober 2020 Newsletter

What a week it has been!  What a month it has been!   Let’s even say, What a half year it has been!

By God’s grace here we are, ready to open our doors for another year (hopefully) of preschool.

My colleagues in childcare say it takes about a month, before it feels like a new normal, and staff and students feel confident with the new way of functioning. 

It was great to meet with our students and parents on an individual basis.   I hope it will help them feel confident coming through our doors again.

BIRTHDAYSMrs. Kuipers has a birthday on October 5!Mrs. Westerhof (supply staff) also has a birthday on October 5!Ibaadat has a birthday on October 6 and turns 3 years old!

Wee Creations also has a birthday in October!    We opened on October 9, 1990.  So this Friday, the preschool will be 30 years old.   That makes me feel old but thankful that I can still enjoy this work with young children.  I’m also thankful for Mrs. Kuipers’ encouragement along the way.  I needed several pep talks from her this summer, as we considered what preschool would look like in this new reality.

Our Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 26 at 8:00 p.m. and will be a virtual meeting over ZOOM.   The link will be sent out to all preschool parents prior to the meeting.

We will be going outside every day if possible, so please bring appropriate clothing for your child to wear outside.   Splash pants, rubber boots, jackets etc.  Please label as many things as possible, even if it is just your child’s initials.

Each day, bring your child with a backpack containing a change of clothes, indoor shoes, a water bottle clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please avoid sending food in their backpacks.  We will provide a snack each day.

Please be patient with us as we navigate these new routines.

We will be closed on Monday, October 12 for Thanksgiving.  The Monday class will meet on Tuesday, October 13 instead.

June 2020


June 2020 Newsletter

This is certainly a unique way to the end the school year!   We are disappointed to have missed these past months with your children.  The springtime is always a favourite time of year as we spend more time outside in our beautiful playground.

I have good news on our photo proofs from March.   The lab has been opened and the proofs will be delivered to me for distribution.   Any orders will need to be done online between the parents and the photography company.We are sad to say that Mrs. DeBoer is stepping down from her role as a teacher at our preschool.   She will still come occasionally as supply staff.   She really feels the need to stay home and help her husband on their farm.   We are thankful for all that she contributed to our program over the past few years.

Registrations for the fall are ongoing – we still have room!

BIRTHDAYSKaleb turned 4 on June 1!            Travis turns 4 on June 10!

SUMMER BIRTHDAYSStella turns 4 on July 6!                 William turns 4 on August 14!Tessa turns 4 on August 16!        Adeline turns 4 on August 21!Sawyer turns 4 on August 21!We are hoping to have a FAREWELL DRIVE BY for staff and students.   We hope to distribute your child’s shoes etc plus the photo proofs.  Until I am allowed to access the school, a date cannot be set.   We are hoping for a morning in the third week of June.  Stay tuned.

We, as a staff are sad that we cannot finish the school year with your children.   We will miss you and we pray that you will have an enjoyable summer, enjoying God’s creation.

May 2020

Wee Creations Christian PreschoolMay 2020 Newsletter There is not much in the way of news to share this month, as we have not been together for 7 weeks. We don’t know if or when we will be able to reopen. We are hoping that we can still meet for...


April 2020

Wee Creations Christian Preschool

April 2020 Newsletter

Due to the COVID-19 virus, we will not be able to have preschool classes during the month of April. We are all missing our mornings together but we also need to obey the government mandate to stay closed until the pandemic recedes.

At this point, there is a possibility that school and preschool may resume on May 4.  We will stay tuned to what the government says in a few weeks.   We will keep you informed.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!Reid turns 4 on April 15!Callia turns 4 on April 19!Daxton turns 4 on April 22!

We are disappointed that we can’t share Easter with the children.  

We trust that God has the whole world in His hands.    We are feeling overwhelmed at times but God is not overwhelmed.  He is working out His purposes.  We pray that our families are learning to slow down and appreciate the extra time with their children. 

 What will our children remember about this time in history? Will they remember that the adults in their homes were stressed and anxious and difficult to be around?  Or will they remember this time as a time when parents did special projects at home with them, read more stories together, looked back through photos, and practiced counting and letter recognition?  

We pray that you will have a safe and blessed Easter.  Psalm 46 verse 1 says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. “

Preschool Closure

Preschool Closure due to COVID-19Wee Creations Christian Preschool is currently closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.

March 2020

Wee Creations Christian Preschool March 2020 Newsletter                We have come to that time of year when most mornings go smoothly because the children know the routine...


February 2020

Wee Creations Christian Preschool February 2020 Newsletter Classes are going well.  We are enjoying the winter enrichment program!   The February activity calendar will be posted on our bulletin board in the hallway.  The...


January 2020

WEE CREATIONS CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL January 2020 Newsletter The sun is shining as I write this first newsletter of 2020.  I am excited about the months ahead as we continue our learning together!  We are organizing some special guests to...
